Q. How much do you charge?
The rates are 1040 Single $90.00 Married/Head Of Household $99.00
Additional Fees for other forms.
State Returns FREE with paying Fed.
Students $35.00 with paying parents preperation in office
Q. Do I need an appointment?
No, but highly recomended. an appointment is not necessary.
Q. Are you available evenings and weekends?
Yes, my hours are very flexible. I am here to help you with your tax and financial needs. During tax season we are open M-F from 9-9. Sat. 9-5 and Sundays 12-5PM.
Q. Can I drop off my papers and you call when done?
Yes, you can drop-off and we will call you when completed. A short info sheet and questionnier need to be filled out that ensures I have all the
information I need to prepare your return.
Q. How long does it usually take?
It typically takes 12 to 24 hours to prepare your return if dropped off. There are times when it will take longer based on the complexity of the return.
Q. Can I fill out my own form and you electronic file it?
No, the cost associated with creating your return for electronic filing does not justify my time to do it. Electronic filing is a free service provided when your return is prepared
by my firm.
Q. When will I get my refund?
No person or firm can guarantee when you will receive your refund. The IRS controls when you will get your refund. Based on past years, if you file your return by Wednesday of the
week, your refund might be in your mailbox the following Friday.
Q. How can I pay for having my taxes prepared?
I accept either cash, check or credit card for all services.
Q. Where are you located?
Our office is located at 643 E Landis Ave., Vineland NJ.
Q. Do you guarantee your work?
We stand behind the work we do. If I make an error, I will correct it and pay the penalty and interest incurred. Of course, this only applies if it is my error and not an
omission of pertinent information on your part.
Q. Do you have bank products
YES, We are partnered with Santa Barbara group. With no upfront fees your tax return can be prepared and tax preperations fees will be deducted from your refund.
Q. How can I receive my refund.
You can receive your refund direct deposited into your bank account from the IRS and into your account at no extra charge. You can also receive your refund by mail.
You can also receive a refund check in our tax office through Santa barbara Group for a small fee.